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Using Inspiration to Become the Best Version of Myself



Rohan Naggi stands with his bike in front of a  sign pointing to the mountain peak.

Last year, I never thought I would be taking this picture at the top of Mission Peak with my bike!

The Mission Peak trail is located in Fremont, California and ascends 1,878 feet. My ride took about 43 minutes to complete.

I’ve always been passionate about biking. When it comes to my passions outside of work, if I feel like I might enjoy something, I try to give it a go.

I used to bike with my friends and Cisco colleagues. I thought it would be amazing if we could make it to the top of Mission Peak together.

It was scary because the ride up takes a lot of effort, and the way back down is challenging.

But I decided I would try.

I’m the type of person who dreams whether it’s realistic or unrealistic. As a Product Manager Leader in the SD-WAN Business Unit, I’ve learned to get creative, take chances, and push boundaries to get things done. But this ride was intimidating.

That's how this whole thing started.

But in August 2021, I suffered a fractured ankle and went into a six-hour surgery. For two months, I was bedridden, staring at a wall, unable to move. I felt frustrated that I was dependent on my family.

During recovery, I was depressed and had completely given up on my passions.

I was fearful of never biking uphill again.

After I recovered, I tried to bike again.

Over the next year, there were so many times I would go to the parking lot by the trail, sit in my car, lose all confidence in myself, and just give up and drive home. I wanted to bike again, but told myself it was too much of an unrealistic goal.

The fear of getting injured again played a large part in my doubt.

But here’s where social media and the Cisco intranet (Cisco Employee Connection) came to the rescue!

I started seeing post after post on LinkedIn from my friends and Cisco colleagues. I saw stories on the intranet. People I knew were pursuing their passions.

It made me realize that I’m still a go-getter. I couldn’t just quit without trying.

Rohan on his bike, riding up the trail with Mission  Peak ahead of him.

July 8, 2022 is forever burned in my mind: I woke up feeling like that day was the day.

I picked up my bike, put it in my car, and took off for Mission Peak. I told myself I wouldn’t come back without attempting it at least once.

That was all it took.

During the days leading up to my ride, it was all that inspiration on LinkedIn and the Cisco intranet that helped me get there.

Elated, I reached the peak at 1,878 feet in one go.

After reaching it, I told myself, “I am going to do this again, but with a faster time.”

Now I’m planning this whole trip again. And soon, I’ll be on to the next adventure!

Now, I want to help motivate others.

If you’re interested in biking, I’d love to arrange a trip together or even help you find a bike.

I share my story because I realized we all have our own personal hurdles. Sometimes, all we need is some inspiration and someone to tell us, “You can do it!”

My Mission Peak ride was meant to be a challenge to push boundaries and become the best version of myself.

But I couldn’t do it alone. Just as I have the help of my team and the #SafeToTalk Webex space at work, I always had my family, friends, and colleagues to support me on this journey. It was thanks to them for cheering me on.

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