What to Do When Life Gets Mechanical

When we think about health, diet and exercise are typically the first things that come to mind. However, good health isn’t just about the physical body. Our mind and body are interconnected and affect each other tremendously.
Before joining Cisco, my normal day would be to practice yoga, chant, meditate and teach, all for a good cause. A very normal and beautiful routine. No stress, only happiness, living in the present all the time.
I joined Cisco two years ago. My first few weeks at work were spent learning, meeting new people from all walks of life, and enjoying the benefits of working out of the beautiful campus in Bangalore.
Everything was perfect, but, I still felt there was something missing. Life was getting “mechanical”. I had to do something. My work-life balance, was missing!
I realized, the part I missed the most was feeling alive, living in the moment. You cannot control what goes on outside, but what you can definitely control is what goes on inside. I realized I had stopped practicing yoga and most importantly stopped teaching yoga–the journey of the self, to the self, through the self!
I spoke to a colleague and she said she had always wanted to learn Yoga. It was a match made in heaven—I wanted to teach and she wanted to learn! Before long two more friends joined my yoga session in return for some yummy snacks! This was a deal that worked very well for me. I taught in a quiet room, moving the chairs to make some space.
I wanted to encourage more people to join me but the challenge was I didn’t know that many people. How would I reach a mass of 12,000 employees? One morning I found a few people running on the campus, I decided to speak to them to see if they would be interested in practicing Yoga. But, for that I needed to run a little. I trusted my vibes, and dived in. I joined the running sessions on “Fridays”, and while there I let people know that I could help them to stretch through yoga. My energy wouldn’t lie to me. The word spread.

There was no looking back. The quiet room became too small so I moved to the “Band Room” and day by day the numbers increased.
A year has gone by and twice a week a number of Cisco employees come and endure my teaching and join me in yoga.
Through a small idea a year ago of Giving Back to other employees, I never anticipated that this journey would give me back so much, it started with yummy snacks, new friends, running (which I never thought I would do), time management, balancing work, sharing energies, passion and even a trip to Athens! Four of us won the Puma Urban Stampede 5K Corporate Run.
People at Cisco are not the normal 9-5 job doers. They are people who love their job, love their life and are passionate about living every single moment of LIFE. And I am learning every single day through each of them!
I love teaching, it doesn’t matter if things aren’t perfect. My practice and my teaching is my time to feel alive, loved and free! It’s amazing to see people dedicate one hour from their busy schedules to love, feel and smile through yoga. Even if only one person walks out of the class with a smile and feels content, my goal has been achieved.
I have achieved work-life balance and I am so glad that Cisco allows us to balance our life so well!! #Togetherwecan #Givingback #Passion #WeAreCisco
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